Top Of The Week

The Top 10 Dog Breeds with the Most Health Issues

As a veterinarian with years of experience, I have seen my fair share of dog breeds and their health issues. While all...

The Mysterious Dog Virus Spreading Across the US

As an expert in veterinary medicine, I have been closely monitoring the recent outbreak of a mysterious respiratory...

The Healthiest Dog Breeds: A Veterinarian's Perspective

As a veterinarian, I have seen firsthand the impact that a dog's breed can have on their overall health and lifespan....

The Growing Threat of a New Dog Virus and How Veterinarians are Responding

As a veterinarian with years of experience, I have seen my fair share of common illnesses in dogs, such as kennel cough....

The Friendliest Dog Breeds for Families

As a dog expert, I have seen firsthand the joy and love that dogs bring to families. They truly are man's best friend,...

The Dog Breeds Vets Don't Recommend

As a veterinarian, I have seen and treated a wide variety of dog breeds. While I believe that every dog deserves love and ...

Recent Post

The Contagiousness of the New Dog Virus

As an expert in veterinary medicine, I have been closely following the recent outbreak of a mysterious disease in dogs....

The New Dog Virus: Symptoms and Precautions

As a veterinarian with years of experience, I have seen my fair share of canine illnesses. However, the recent outbreak...

What is the #1 health problem amongst dogs?

Being overweight can affect a dog's movement and overall health. Work with your veterinarian to create a nutrition and...

What's the lowest maintenance dog breed?

The dog breed that requires the least maintenance is the Greyhound. Greyhounds are the perfect breed for people who have...

The Mysterious Dog Virus Sweeping Across the United States

As an expert in veterinary medicine, I have been closely following the recent outbreak of a mysterious dog virus that has ...

The Mysterious Dog Virus: What You Need to Know

As a veterinarian and director of the Oregon Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at Oregon State University's Carlson School ...

Understanding Canine Influenza: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

As a veterinarian with years of experience, I have seen firsthand the impact of canine influenza on dogs and their...

The Mysterious and Contagious Dog Virus of 2023

As an expert in veterinary medicine, I have been closely following the recent reports of a highly contagious respiratory...

Editors Picks

The Mysterious Dog Virus: What You Need to Know

The Mysterious Dog Virus: What You Need to Know

As a veterinarian, I have seen my fair share of illnesses and diseases in dogs. However, the recent outbreak of a...

The Mysterious Dog Virus Sweeping Across the US

The Mysterious Dog Virus Sweeping Across the US

As an expert in veterinary medicine, I have been closely monitoring the recent increase in cases of Atypical Canine...

The Top Health Problems Among Dogs and How to Identify Them

The Top Health Problems Among Dogs and How to Identify Them

As a veterinarian with years of experience, I have seen countless cases of canine health problems. From ear infections to ...

What breed of dog has the least health problems?

What breed of dog has the least health problems?

These extremely loyal colleagues receive high praise for their work ethic, CHIHUAHUA. The Australian Cattle Dog is one of ...

Understanding the Mysterious Canine Respiratory Disease

Understanding the Mysterious Canine Respiratory Disease

As a veterinarian with years of experience, I have seen my fair share of canine illnesses. However, the recent outbreak...

What breed of dog do vets recommend?

What breed of dog do vets recommend?

Labradors and golden retrievers are similar in the fact that they are very loyal and affectionate breeds, and they also...